What’s New

Discuss Members Join Moonwalkers for Free
Moonwalkers 2018 was a great success! With the 80s theme, most…

iChoice 2018
iChoice 2018
iChoice, our annual event, has come to an end…

Wilfred Lau Accepts DisChannel Challenges
Pop singer Wilfred came to DisChannel Studio for the program…

Discuss recruits Doggie Mascot
Discuss recruits Doggie Mascot
In order to welcome the…

Discuss offers free enrollment for sports workshops
It is easy to be lazy and get overeating in winter. In order…

Ken Hung and Toyz appear on Uwants TV game show
EEG singer Ken Hung appears on Uwants TV Facebook Live Game…

The 4th iChoice Awards in 2017
It was held successfully on 18 Oct at Hotel Icon. Themed…

Discuss gives away Internatinal Muay Thai Tickets
YOKKAO, a well-known international Muay Thai contest, was…

Standard Chartered Bank provides special offer to Price members
During the period from 11 August and 15 October, Price members…