What’s New
Siu Yue becomes Discuss VIP Guest
Siu Yue is an illustrator suffering from cancer. She became…
Discuss Ladies Launches Beauty Product Giveaway Campaign
To celebrate the launch of “Discuss Ladies” section front,…
Vera Lui becomes Discuss VIP Guest
Being the founder of Sally’s Toy, the first female-friendly…
Launch of Discuss Ladies Page & Facebook
Discuss Ladies Section front was launched to provide an online…
Networld Wins Three Awards at The Mob-ex Awards 2016
Networld won three of The Mob-ex Awards 2016 hosted by Marketing…
Uwants x Konami Launch Monthly Game Supplement
Uwants became the first oversea media partner to collaborate…
Discuss Introduces UEFAChampions League Games
Discuss launched special feature game for UEFAChampions League…
Discucss Wins "Hong Kong Top Brand Service" Award
Jointly organized by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council…
Discuss App New Launches
Discuss App new launched with enhanced features to improve…