About Mike Chu

This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Mike Chu contributed a whooping 80 entries.

Entries by Mike Chu

Uwants x TVB Scoop

Uwants TV anchor and VIP guest participated the TVB program “Scoop” to share the tips of the popular mobile game “Pokemon Go!”. Program Review

New publication of “Discuss Web Fiction” Releases

Discuss Web Fiction was created by Discuss members who enthuse about creative writing and Anthony Wong, a local famous author. The release of the publication was regarded as grand event of Academic and Culture Section. The publication was available at bookstores and online media, and special discount was offered at Price.com.hk.

New publication of “Discuss Ghost Story” Releases

Huge and strong base of ghost storytellers and fans has been established in Discuss ghost section. Popular stories were selected and produced as the new publication “Discuss Ghost Story” to share the masterpiece of Discuss members. The publication was available at bookstores and online media, and special discount was offered at Price.com.hk.